Fixed Ops Director
Top 3 Marketing Companies to Visit at NADA
Here are some awesome cutting edge companies to check out at the upcoming NADA 100 Convention.
1. TECOBI/ PCG Companies-Booth 1261
Tecobi creates and manages Facebook Ads, targets the right customers for your business, instantly sends shoppers a text message when they click on your ad, and professionally communicates with them to set up all appointments sending customers right to your door!
2. TradePending-Booth 6039
Using Real Market Data and modern website integration to drive better website conversion and connected process for consumers and Auto Dealers. Real Market data Trade-in Tool.
3. Podium-Booth 4665
Podium is a fully-mobile online review management platform that helps businesses collect and track online reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, DealerRater, Facebook and many more.
Brad Paschal is the e-Commerce Director of Street Auto Group in Amarillo, TX. Brad is an avid MMA fan and has done commentary on the “FRB Show.” In Brad’s three years at Street, he has changed the way Street uses social media to engage customers. Brad searches within and outside the automotive industry to bring fresh/innovative practices to the dealership.
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Brad Paschal
Fixed Ops Director
TECOBI and TradePending both won AWA awards.
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