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5 things Dealer should do before bringing on Digital Marketing Vendors
5 things Dealer should do before bringing on Digital Marketing Vendors
1. Map your Inventory feed
I run into this issue almost every day. Inventory maps are a must so that you can ensure that accurate information is syndicated to your vendors. Its very time consuming but here is how you do it. Call your DMS and ask who they are sending the feed to, more than likely its an IMS like Homenet, Inventory Plus, ETC. Then ask the IMS where they are sending the feed. It could be vAuto, Your website or vendors. It should look like one of these (DMS--->IMS--->vAuto---> website and other Vendors) or (DMS--->IMS--->website and other vendors) (DMS---> IMS--->Website--->other vendors)
2. Used Car and New Car managers Pricing in same system
This is crucial for accurate information. Most used car manage price in vAuto or the IMS while most New car Manager price in the DMS or the website backend tool. This created difficulty when trying to get an accurate feed.
3. Own your Google Analytics Account
This ensures that no matter what vendor you go with you have historical data to make decisions with. It also allows you to inspect and verify. Our customers in dealerships demand transparency; We should demand the same transparency out of our vendors.
4. Own all Social Media Accounts
A dealership should have at least 3 people in management as admins on every social media account. The process of trying to recover an account after you fire a vendor or an employee is lengthy and stressful. If you do find yourself in this situation try Twitter support its the fastest.
5. Pricing and Merchandising
If a car has been on the lot 200 days and hasn't sold, The first thing I look at is pricing and merchandising. Are the pictures of good quality? How many pictures? Is the Trim Level right? Is the color right? The best resource I know of in the industry for best practices is Jasen Rice at Lotpop. Here is a link to his free content:
As always if you need help email or call me:
cell: 8065482468
Brad Paschal is the Texas Dealer Advocate for LotLinx. Brad is an avid MMA fan and has done commentary on the “FRB Show.” In Brad’s three years at Street, he has changed the way Street uses social media to engage customers. Brad searches within and outside the automotive industry to bring fresh/innovative practices to the dealership.
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1 Comment
Tori Zinger
DrivingSales, LLC
Thanks for this useful/practical information, Brad. With regard to #3, there has actually been a discussion going on in the community lately about this -- you may want to check it out and offer your insight!